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We offer colorful food from all corners of the world. Sometimes we create new corners by combining elements from different food cultures. At festivals we serve our popular vegan peanut stew inspired from West Africa.

Happy staff
Mårten och Konrad i matluckan

Vegan Peanut Stew
Festivalmat: Vegansk jordnötsgryta serverad med ris och nachos, fikonsås, jordnötter, koriander och chilisås.

Jakobsdagar 2023
Vi deltog i stadsfesten Jakobsdagar i Jakobstad, Finland 2023.

Happy staff
Mårten och Konrad i matluckan
Gaia's cousin was founded by Mårten Grön and Sofia Holmlund in 2019 when we realized that our food might be a little too good to stay between four walls. We decided to try selling food at festivals, something that turned out to be a winning concept. With us, we have a wonderful team that helps us enhance the taste experience.
Anyone who comes to us gets a good, filling and versatile diet at a great price. Vegan food for everyone is our ambition.
Customer reveiws
"Best festival
food ever!
"Oh how I thought about
that stew several times
during the year and hoped
for that you would
be there again.
So nice!"
"Fantastic stew,
likings from both me
and my daughter!"
food at the
whole festival!"
“The best food!
So grateful that you
were there and gilded
the festival for us!"
food was
We also offer catering!
Please contact us for more information.
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